3 Things To Look For When Buying A Used Air Compressor

28 December 2015
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are looking to invest in an air compressor, you might be thinking about buying used. This can be a smart option if you are looking to save money, and you can often buy a bigger and better air compressor for your money by buying this way rather than insisting on buying new. You probably want to ensure that the air compressor that you purchase works well and is a good deal, however, so you could be wondering what to look out for when checking out a used air compressor. Read More 

Three Ways To Protect Your Carpet This Winter

9 December 2015
 Categories: Business, Blog

Winter can be a tough season for your carpet. The threats of salt stains, roof leaks, and gooey Christmas tree sap are very real. To prevent your carpet from looking like a stained, multi-colored mess come spring, follow these tips for protecting your carpet this winter. Keep a towel near your entryway for pet paws. Your dog will need to go outside to do his business whether the weather is wet or dry. Read More 

High-Tech Home Security Systems Put You In Control

23 November 2015
 Categories: Business, Blog

Home security is no longer just about setting off burglar alarms should someone break in through the front door. It's about being in control of your home remotely and knowing what is going on there whenever you wish. Here are some of the features in the latest residential alarm systems and how you can use them to monitor your home, wherever you are. Remote Security System Check-in   It's a helpless feeling when you've left home on a trip and wonder if you locked the back door. Read More 

Cyber Liability Insurance: Keep Your Business Protected Online

2 November 2015
 Categories: Business, Blog

As businesses move into the limelight and start posting more blogs and stories on social media, they face more of a risk than they think. Most businesses and owners do not ever think that a blog or simple social media post will come back to bite them, but it happens. In fact, if you are not covering your bases, you could be sued for libel, slander, and even intellectual property rights. Read More 

Skimming The Surface On The Best Plants For Your Man-Made Pond

16 October 2015
 Categories: Business, Blog

Once you have dug your pond and sunk your pond-liner, you may want to add some plants and flowers to create a scenic space. Choosing the right type of plants for your pond is important, and it can affect the wildlife that thrive in and around your water. Talk with home and garden professionals about the best types of pond plants for your property, climate, and plant zone. Some things to know before picking plants for your pond include: Read More